Monday, March 5, 2012


ME + HER = Best Friend Forever

More people thinks that having a best friend isn't a good idea after all, some may think that best friends = enemies, why would people think this way? Because since the person knows a lot about you, they can easily get a chance to back fight about you when things get complicated between you and them. Well, we cannot blame this people since there are billion of people which we don't really know what's in there mind. i'm going to tell you a story, which is kind of similar but different. Why did i say that? Because before, i thought of her as my enemy since my ex-boyfriend left e because of her, but then i realize you won't really know a person unless you start talking and be crazy with them.

I talked to her like really serious, like i really need to know something important. She started replying to my chats, and I can feel she doesn't ignore at all. So, i start saying real things to her, like i never usually do. Then hours passes by, until we became Facebook friends and then i call her "sister" the first time, and confessed to her what i really feel that time, funny that this crazy girl didn't even say anything bad (unless she really needs to say it for me to grow up). We talked and talked and talked for a lot of times, then I started to grow feelings that she might be one of the people i knew, i know, and i will know sooner or later who'll be really true to me, I told her every single secret I have (even the deepest and darkest secret i had, that no one would ever know, except her). i know few of her dislikes and likes, well we all agreed to everything we think we have to decide on. She's also good giving advises to me especially the "LOVE" related ones.

What i really like about this girl is when i tell her a joke and she burst out of laughing, or if i told her a story and she keeps on laughing about it. In short I like it when i hear her laugh, it's like even in dreams i won't be forgetting it.

Right now, I'm really afraid of losing her, well, it sounds like I'm a guy and this is really unusual, but I'm so attached to my best friend who happens to be so far from me, and yes, that's possible to have someone as your best friend though you're thousand miles away. I can't stay for a day that I won't talk to her. I don't know if she's aware of it, but i know she is 'coz i always tell her so. I did had best friends near me, they're good but no ones better than her.

I always tell myself that, if I'm unfortunate in love and I'm lucky with money i guess, I'm also fortunate with friend, 'coz as I knew not long ago, soul mates doesn't always come to be "boy +  girl" sometimes "girl + girl" understand each other more, and that's how I feel. Like what I always tell her, "We know we will never be relative by blood, but in our Hearts and Soul and in the Eyes of God we know we are sisters."

I'm so much thankful that God given me a great lady (beside my mom and sister) to share stuffs with, to inspire and be inspired, to help and be helped, and to whom I can call real Friend.

For me "FRIEND" (word) means a lot to me, but if you'll ask me to define what Friend is I'll just say, "for me the real and true friend is 'Maria Alina' and that's her my best soul friend ever."


  1. Friends... what would we do without them? :)

    1. yeah~ kaso di ba awkward na masyadong kang attached sa kanila?!
